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I'm looking to talk about boom chat 7 1 nulled code. What is your favorite blog on the web? I blog on Medium and I also use my blog for marketing purposes. Feel free to give me a shout out there, I'd be happy to find out more about your project and provide some advice (more info on that here: If you want personal feedback right away, feel free to DM me as well. My email is jaksprad@gmail. com. What is the greatest challenge you have faced as a blogger? In this industry, it's really hard to get noticed. So many blogs are doing the same thing as everyone else. It's not easy to stand out from the noise. If you could, what kind of people would you target with your blog? What would you write about? Would you use affiliate marketing to make money? or would you prefer something else? I'd like to reach out to lots of bloggers in all categories, without doing the same old things they're already doing. There are so many different niches on the web and all of them have a place in blogging. I'd love to expand my knowledge on different niches and blog about that. What is the best way to attract visitors to your blog? What is the best way to nurture your audience? I started by writing some really good content, which people were interested in sharing. That allowed me to get more traffic, more email list subscribers and more Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn fans. I've also used a lot of Facebook ads for my business. It's a great way to get a lot of traffic quickly if you have a solid offer. You can start with my free training: ads-training/ What is the most important factor in attracting new readers? What can someone do to increase traffic to their blog? Quality content is the best way to get new visitors to your blog. I'd like to add that you need a decent site speed and a good user interface. People enjoy reading blogs that load fast and look professional, even if you're just starting out. So make sure your design is not only clean but also classy; leave some room for people's imagination when they land on your blog, so they will want to continue reading after a good intro of your upsell offer. I noticed that you use adsense, what are the other monetization strategies you used on your blog? I've used affiliate programs to make some money, but I'd say that's not the most important source of income for me. With my blog I also sell products, coaching and other targeted offers. Thanks! That is really helpful. Can you expand more on how you decided to monetize your blog using affiliate income? Do you have any tips for people who are thinking about doing the same thing? Last year I made around $20K working with affiliate products. I've been promoting affiliate programs since 2010. eccc085e13