dpkg -l linux-image-generic
It'll tell you which kernel you're on, and if you need to install a new one. Not exactly the same thing as being able to check your machine specs and load the correct driver for your GPU though.
jart: Can you boot the machine and run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Yeah I tried to install the drivers and it messed up.
jart, are you getting errors?
it's quite a bit of information to be passing by on a phone
Er yeah, btw it says "Pamak"
yeah no errors
compdoc, where is that?
run the command I gave you
and that's my actual graphics card, right?
and my kernel is "Pamak"?
probably sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
yeah that's my current installation
I can't find anything on that command
jart, I have no idea. I would have to look at some of those commands. Do you see the package name?
jart: Look at your system information in synaptic, under the installed softwares tab
jart: It's already in that tab
no in that tab it has nothing
I mean in the tab with software
it's empty
jart: Is this 14.04 LTS?
Oh. I can't help you then
jart, you said you couldnt find any info on the command you ran
yeah it's sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it's also "Pamak"
it's 14.04 LTS
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